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- Southern Sky Air & Tours, LLC d/b/a Direct Air
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- Worcester
- 2025
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- October
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- Our Bankruptcy Lawyer Discusses Debtor Education Requirements in Massachusetts
- Bankruptcy Lawyer Takes a By-the-Numbers Look at Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy
- 3 Signs It's Time to Hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer
- White House Sides with Bankruptcy Lawyer Group
- Involuntary Bankruptcy: Information You Need to Know
- February
- 2014
- 2013
- In re Hoey, 2012 Bankr. LEXIS 5803 (Bankr. D. Mass. Dec. 18, 2012)
- What to Expect at your 341 Meeting!
- Student Loans and Bankruptcy Prior to October 7, 1998
- What can a Chapter 13 Plan do §1322 (b) of the Bankruptcy Code
- Attorney Kovacs has been Selected as a top 40 litigator under 40 by the American Society of Legal Advocates.
- "Helping your clients when they need help the most" Article from the WCBA's Committee on Services to the Poor & Homeless
- Recent Case Decisions - from the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers
- November
- October
- September
- August
- Promotional Items
- $5 Dunkin' Doughnuts Gift Card give away.
- proposed new foreclosure law which is expected to be signed into law this week by the Governor -- Full text MGL C 244 s 35A
- Selected Cases on Foreclosure in Massachusetts, curtsey of the Mass Law Library
- The Kovacs Family
- Administration supports bankruptcy protection for private student loans
- June
- NACBA on ABC News with Diane Sawyer on 5/28
- Student Loan debt discharged due to Asperger's Syndrome
- Cases In Review
- ResCap, the mortgage arm of Ally Financial, formerly known as GMAC Mortgage files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
- "S.1102 -- Fairness for Struggling Students Act of 2011 (Introduced in Senate - IS)" --
- Ask Your Lawmaker to Cosponsor Student Loan Dischargeability
- Cases In Review
- April
- Recent Bankruptcy Cases from the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
- Tax Masters -- $195 Million fraud judgment
- Tax Masters -- $195 Million fraud judgment
- Bankruptcy Hand Out - Your Rights During Bankruptcy - from NCLC
- Bankruptcy Hand Out - Using Credit Wisely After Bankruptcy - from NCLC
- Bankruptcy Hand Out - Common Bankruptcy Questions - from NCLC
- Direct Air - Bankruptcy - Case Update
- TODAY: Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on Student Loans
- Action Oil Files for Bankruptcy
- Tax master's Files for Bankruptcy
- Are debts discharged in bankruptcy taxable?
- Gross Income Defined:
- Direct Air - Bankruptcy - I have tickets and do not know what to do
- Southern Sky Air & Tours, LLC d/b/a Direct Air filed for bankruptcy today
- Massachusetts Attorney General Regulations on Debt Collection - complete and full regulations
- Foreclosures in Massachusetts increase 68%
- Where can I get my credit report and score for Free
- Case Update -- Amicus from NACBA
- February
- January
- Holiday Hours for December 2011 - January 2012
- Phone System Error - 12/19/11
- Common Question -- Is there a minimum debt in bankruptcy?
- Self Employed Individuals Use Net income not Gross income on form 22C, Means Test
- Stop Foreclose - Fees for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- We now accept debt cards!
- My home has been sold at foreclosure - Is there any way for me to get my house back?
- No hidden fees - Here is our fee schedule for Simple Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cases in Worcester County
- Holiday Foreclosure Moratorium.
- November
- White House Offers New Relief To Massachusetts Student Borrowers
- Making Monthly Payments During Bankruptcy
- FHFA Director Praises Principal Paydown Plan as "Promising" and "Credible"Pledges to Provide Members an Assessment in Two Weeks
- U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Increase Cost of Going Broke
- new court fee schedule
- Timely free consultation policy
- Are You A Bankruptcy Phoenix?
- "Supreme Court Accepts Case Challenging Mortgage Fees Charged by Quicken Loans"
- "Support growing among policymakers for NACBA's Principal Paydown Plan"
- Making Good Choices During The Holiday Season
- States Tell Big Banks: "Enough!"
- Debt Collectors Must Obey The Law
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Primer
- Bankruptcy's Means Test
- Bankruptcy Stops Wage Garnishments Cold
- When Does My Bankruptcy Case End?
- IRS Tax Amnesty Programs Collects Billions
- Americans with Advanced Degrees Are Increasingly Filing for Bankruptcy
- Is your Bank Account Half Full Or Half Empty? 5 People Who have filed Bankruptcy
- Tax Returns After Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy --
- Chapter 7 Debtors Should Beware Hoggish Behavior
- Eighth Circuit BAP Allows Strip Off of Wholly Unsecured Lien in Chapter 20
- New Federal Agency Protects Massachusetts Consumers
- "Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: A Primer"
- Education Helps Debtors After Bankruptcy
- Homeowners Need Help -- from the New York Times
- The Positives of Bankruptcy!
- How Bankruptcy Empowers
- Renting As A Tenant After Bankruptcy
- Attorney Kovacs be out of the office on Friday August 12, 2011 and Monday August 15, 2011.
- Can I Keep A Credit Card If I File Bankruptcy?
- Tax liens
- Some tax debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy.
- "RECENTLY FILED AMICUS BRIEFS." and "OTHER NEWS" -- From the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers
- Why Should I Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney?
- Checkout our new chapter 7 bankruptcy video
- Your Personal "Debt Ceiling"
- Checkout our new bankruptcy video.
- Picking and Choosing Debts to Discharge
- When Can I Stop Paying Credit Cards?
- Bankruptcy Can Provide Leverage to Underwater Homeowners
- Can Bankruptcy Discharge Student Loans?
- "Customer Sues Chase, Says Bank Ruined Her Credit By Declaring Her Dead"
- "Wal-Mart Launches Medical-Legal Partnership to Aid Low-Income Families"
- Debts Excluded From Chapter 7 Discharge
- U.S. Bankruptcy Rate Drops
- Life Happens: Bankruptcy Conversion or Dismissal During Chapter 13
- Wyoming Home Is a 'Little Cayman Island' for Shell Companies
- Greenpath, Inc. Bankruptcy Counseling Hours for the 4th of July Weekend.
- "RECENT CASES OF INTEREST: Guest Contributor Wendell Sherk, NACBA State Chair, Missouri"
- July 4th Weekend Hours
- "Chief Justice Quotes Dickens in Ruling Against Anna Nicole Smith Heirs"
- Keeping Your Vehicle During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Court Declares Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional
- "Bankruptcy of Giordano's Pizza Chain Complicated by Owner's Sovereign Citizen Lingo"
- Kenda the Polar Bear
- "Fla. Couple Ready to Seize Bank of America Furniture After Winning Foreclosure Fight"
- MetroWest Daily News – Bankruptcy Filings
- Your Massachusetts Fresh Start Bankruptcy
- How Long Will Bankruptcy Stay On My Credit Report?
- Rental Property - Mortgage Cram Down - Reduce your principle balance on your mortgage loan
- Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling Requirement
- Happy Holidays
- National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys - Sen. Leahy Introduces Bill To Fight Creditor Fraud In Bankruptcy Courts
- The Tough File Bankruptcy
- Limit Credit Card Use Before Bankruptcy
- Follow us on our new Face book Page!!!!
- Top Five Bankruptcy Provisions
- Home Loan Modification Fact Sheet – HAMP
- Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
- Discharging Tax Debt in Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy's Instant Relief
- Transferring Property Before Bankruptcy Can Be A Bad Idea
- April
- January
- December
- November
- August
- July
- June
- May
- March
- New Credit Card Regulations – Opt in for Over Draft Fees
- What is Bankruptcy Counseling? Pre-Discharge Education
- What is Bankruptcy Counseling? Pre Filing Counseling
- If you are filing chapter 13 bankruptcy with careful planning you may be able to reduce your payment
- If you owe the IRS or DOR filing bankruptcy will put you in an interest free payment plan
- If you file Bankruptcy you can keep your tax return
- Common Bankruptcy Mistake – Transferring an asset out of your name
- Common Bankruptcy Mistake – Maxing out your Credit Cards before filing
- Common Bankruptcy Mistake – Paying off a loan from a relative shortly before filing
- You can still file chapter 13 bankruptcy while on un-employment
- Your electricity, gas, or other public utility will NOT be shut off if you file bankruptcy
- You can file bankruptcy and keep your home
- Creditors are calling all the time
- "Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams - Help Is Free!"
- Student loans and Bankruptcy
- Framingham Office Opening
- I am currently in a chapter 13 plan; Can I get a new car loan?
- I filed Bankruptcy; Can I get a new credit card?
- How long after bankruptcy can I buy a new home?
- Where is my § 341 meeting?
- HELP! My home is going to be foreclosed on.
- Internet Resources for valuing your home
- I can no longer afford my car. What happens if I give it back to the bank?
- See what other people are asking and the answer I have on
- I have Filed for Bankruptcy and my Bank has Asked me to Reaffirm my Car Loan.
- What is Discharge?
- Home Loan Modification and Bankruptcy
- Debtors are Protected from Discriminatory Treatment
- I just filed for bankruptcy and forgot to tell my lawyer about a creditor
- What can I do if I charged too much on my credit cards during the holidays?
- What is the §341 Meeting of Creditors?
- What Happens if I Cannot Make my §341 Meeting
- Most Debtors in bankruptcy can keep their Tax Return
- Avoidable Preferences for Business and Individuals Debtors
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